The usual thing you find if you search the web looking for a way to keep Alexa from constantly saying “OK” to your commands, is “Oh, that’s easy: just turn on Brief Mode.”
Thing is, that only works (ahem) briefly, for one or two commands, and then the syrupy “OK” comes back. What we want is for “brief mode” to stick forever, not for a few hours. This has been driving me, and thousands of others, crazy for years now.
Try this – it worked for me:
First, turn on brief mode, with “Alexa, enable brief mode” on each Echo.
Run the Alexa app On Your Phone.
Select devices, and then filter by type: Echo & Alexa
For each and every Echo device you have, do this:
1) Click on the device in the list of devices
2) When the device panel comes up, click on the little gear in the upper right corner
3) Scroll down to the General gray bar
4) Click on Sounds
5) Under Custom Sounds gray bar, set Notification to NONE
6) Under Request Sounds gray bar, set both Start of request and End of request to OFF
Again, do this for every Echo you own.
That should kill the annoying “OK”
7 ? )Note: Based on a post I found on the web I did, at one point, toggle the Alexa’s Voice setting (back on the main device setting page) from American 1 to American 2 (female to male) and that -MAY- have acted to help finalize t he new settings. My own Echoes now have a mixture of male and female, but none of them say “OK” any longer, much to my delight.
Tags: Alexa