Author: tvalleau

Toast 11.1

If you’re an old dinosaur like me, you may still use and enjoy Toast for burning CDs and DVDs.   Version 11.1 is out now, and deserves mention here because a) I’ve had the alpha of it for over a year and it’s finally OUT! and b) under the hood, it’s a significant update, having […]

Mac Bartender ends menu bar clutter

This software is working fine for me so far: It moves your choice of (most) menubar icons (those along the extreme right edge of your main menubar) to its own sub-menu… but it’s harder to describe than it is to simply see, so visit the site. Right now, it’s in beta, and the price […]

End of an era…

There comes a time when the old passes away, often to the premature glee of the young, and the next era begins. The writing was on the wall with Apple’s iPhoneification in Lion, and, as usual, Microsoft copies it with the SmartPhonification of Window’s 8. (Gawd, I wish Microsoft could think for itself!) We old […]

Some thoughts on copy-protected files vs backups and restore

  In reply to a question about how publishers protect their software, and how that affects your backups: How?Well,  they keep that stuff close to the vest, but here are the general ways:The MAC address of your machine;The ethernet address of your machine;The GUID of your hard drive;The size of your hard drive partition;The serial number […]

Buyer Beware! Micro$oft and Office 2011

The software is fine, BUT… don’t ever change hard drives; don’t ever have a hard drive go out on you. Don’t use a different ethernet card. Don’t add RAM. Don’t ever replace a motherboard, or buy a new graphics card…. because if you do, you’ll lose your license to use the software, and your only […]

On switching to a larger drive, with “authorized” software (ie Photoshop)

I find “authorized” software, as a means of copy protection, extremely annoying. As a programmer, I’m forever mucking around with my drives, and software such as Adobe (almost Everything, but Photoshop annoys me the most) and NIK and MS Office et al, all require that you “deactivate/deauthorize” from one drive before you move the software […]

Archiving and storing email

Folks who are concerned about email retention (as I am) might find this interesting:   Like MailSteward (MS), <> this software archives emails to an external database.   MailSteward does it automatically, at a scheduled interval you can set (or you can invoke it manually). All mail goes into either its own internal […]

USB 3 on a Mac? Sorta…

Here’s something you’ll find interesting. While Mac’s don’t support USB 3 yet, USB 3 is backwards compatible with USB 2, which your Mac has. So? Well, USB 3 used in under USB 2 conditions (which I’ll call USB 3/2 to save typing) is much faster than USB 2. For example, the ADATA S102/16GB USB 3 […]

What is a “block-level” copy?

Think of it this way: blocks are “containers for data”.  Or, let’s pretend they are dominos, and the “data” are the dots painted on each one. line up 20 dominos. See the little dots on the tops of them?   a file-level copy will read those dots, and go to the destination, and write the […]

Goodbye, Steve

I bought my first Apple in 1978; sat down with Woz’s Red Book (which I still have) and taught myself programming. In December of that year, I was awakened by a woman, unidentified, who has seen my advertisement for “Apple programming.” She asked what I thought of Apple’s own accounting software. I replied that I was not […]