Author: tvalleau

Comparing USB 2 vs UBS 3 sticks (aka flash drives)

Just a quick test to see how USB 2 and USB 3 memory stick compared in various ports. Comparing USB 3 to USB 2, across a few different sticks:   The sticks:OCZ rally 2 (USB 2) Adata S102 (USB 3) Adata UE700 (USB 3) Sandisk Extreme (USB 3) The test: not particularly sophisticated, but the results bear out my […]

Fake URLs – Avoid clicking on these links !

  You probably know you should not click on links you get in emails unless you are POSITIVE that they are legit. URLs (links) end with “.com” or “.net” or “.org” or many other legitimate dot-somethings. This will explode with new, and perfectly legitimate ones in the coming couple of years (like “.video” and “.games”). But the […]

Your passwords are likely useless.

Odds are they are too easy to decipher. Even a kiddie with a single computer can try 3 Billion guesses a second. (That’s the same as the number of seconds in the last 100 years.)  The really bad guys can try 350 Billion in a second. Want a secure password?  Here’s what it should […]

Disk drive wear and tear?

A friend asked about sleeping his drives “to extend their life.” Personally, my laptop uses SSDs, so drive energy is minimized. I have a tendency to leave it on all the time, popping the top when I need it, and closing it when I don’t. Therefore, sleep on that machine is in “manual mode.” My main […]

On Mac Security, April, 2009

I’ve read many of the “botnet debunking” reports on the web, usually from the die-hard “Macs are totally secure” crowd. (I used to be a member, but am no longer.) The “debunk” always includes the line “the only place you can get this trojan is from illegal downloads of iWork ’09 or Photoshop CS4…[and] it’s […]

DiskWarrior 2153 4903 error – can’t rebuild disk

So: DiskWarrior (DW) won’t rebuild your disks because of your 2153,4903 errors. What that means is that DW can’t unmount your drive. Here’s what to do: (But first: you’re on your own!  If you follow the advice below, and totally trash your drive, I’m truly sorry, but I’m not responsible, since I’m just telling you what […]

Windows 8, the Start Menu and Parallels

I find  the W8 interface inconvenient. Like many, I long for the start menu.  (Wow! “longing” for _anything_ Windows !  What have I come to?  ) OK… it’s probably temporary, until I adjust, but at least the start menu was a one-stop-shop for launching software and getting some actual work done. Someone figured out that lots of […]

ear phone – bud – headphone – cans … tip

In case you’re the proud owner of a new iPod or iPhone, or have just bought a new set of “cans” (headphones) regardless of type (over the ear, in ear, buds, buckets… whatever) you might not know that you should break them in. That is, plug them in and let them run for about 4 […]

Digital audio out of an iPod/iPad

(This only works on 30-pin devices, and will not work with the new Lightning adapters.)   I thought some readers might be interested in how I got digital audio out of my iPad. The Apple 30-pin to USB (female) adapter, sold as part of the “photo kit” I think, was a wonderful bit of hardware […]

Solution to the Lodsys problem?

I sent this proposal off to Tim Cook a few minutes ago: Hi Tim If I correctly understand the Lodsys in-app purchase issue, how’s this for a simple solution: Lodsys says Apple can’t transfer its license to developers. Fine. Don’t. Apple should create an application (Apple Purchase Application or APA) that does the buying for […]