Solo show at the Triton
“Contiguous: Line of Sight” is my solo show at The Triton Museum of Art, in Santa Clara, California. It runs from Feb 10 to May 13, 2018. You are cordially invited to drop by at any time.
“Contiguous: Line of Sight” is my solo show at The Triton Museum of Art, in Santa Clara, California. It runs from Feb 10 to May 13, 2018. You are cordially invited to drop by at any time.
The Monterey Peninsula Art Gallery exhibition (myself and my wife) actually started on October 3rd, but the opening was on the 13th. I’m just back, and a friend took this picture of my wife’s presentation. Thought I share it.
Need a fast and accurate camera raw file viewer? This one, cleverly named “FastRawViewer” is well worth a look, not to mention the extremely modest fee: Scroll to the bottom of the page for some reviews by names you’ll likely recognize. The same folks wrote RawDigger, so they know whereof the speak… (so […]
It’s surprising how often I see a call-out, a request, for a digital image intended for use on a website like “2000 x 3000 @ 72 dpi”. That’s actually nonsense. But first, here’s how dots per inch (dpi) works with images: Lets say you have a line made up of exactly 100 dots. […]
Here: MonitorChecker is a great Photoshop file, with several layers, each of which you can view on your monitor as an aid in determining how well your monitor is calibrated and profiled. Highly recommended. Free, but requires an email sign-up. I joined them several years ago, and get an email once every blue moon. (Oh, […]
Well, a journey that began a year ago has finally arrived at its destination, and I have at last posted the text (as a PDF) of my talk at the Center for Photographic Art in January of this year. The zipped file is here: the unzipped pdf is here: Fair warning: this is […]
Here are two approaches to fixing over-sharpened images in Photoshop. Both rely on the blending mode you are using. The first is “before the fact” – that is, if you have not sharpened the image yet, do this: 1) duplicate the image, which will place an identical copy above your base layer. 2) do your […]
Al Weber passed away Feb 27, 2016. He was my friend, although others certainly knew him better or longer. What we shared, he shared with all: his love of photography. Because we both had a similar sense of simple designs and abstracts, we enjoyed sharing our images with each other. More than any other single […]
There’s nothing like the prime position!
Actually, this sorta belongs in the “Events” blog, but that’s a text-only blog, so here’s the poster for the show. I hope my readers get a chance to come by and see the images.