Category: Photo

An earlier talk on Fine Art (2013)

(This talk was delivered a few times to fellow photographers, in late 2013. It proposes a definition for  “fine art photography” based on that which “the fine arts” as a group, have in common, and thus distinguishes between “fine art” and “high-concept art.”)   A Talk: “On Photography and Fine Art.”© 2013 Tracy Valleau Hello […]

My prints are too dark… and it’s not my monitor

95% of the time someone complains about their prints being too dark, it’s a simple solution: their monitor is too bright. That’s old news. Here, on the other hand, is something you might not have discovered before: I had my prints suddenly go too dark just last week, and found an unexpected solution. History: I’ve […]

Print fading, OBAs, Dye and Pigment, plexi and so on…

Here is the bottom line: your photographic prints ARE going to change over time. Period. You may be able to put that off for maybe 1000 years, provided you are so famous that you can get together with Corbis and Bill Gates, and get them stored in sub-zero temperatures underground in the Corbis photo vault […]

The Muse

  When the Muse is on vacation, and my work fails to meet my own expectations, or at least my hopes, the nice thing about photography is that one can set the shooting aside, and practice the printing, or read and ponder, or study the work of others. In some ways, more than the other […]

Ramblings about photography as art- (2014)

Ramblings about photography as art- Art itself is about frozen time. The amount of time varies, but is frozen to some greater or lesser extent. A book always reads the same; a movie always plays the same; a concerto always uses the same notes; a sculpture is locked in form. Yet each new reading, each […]

The Secret to Making Great Photographs

People ask me all the time, “Say, Tracy… What is the secret to making great photos?”   Well, I cannot speak for other photographers, since each of us has a different technique, but here’s mine:  

The Secret to Making Great Photographs

People ask me all the time, “Say, Tracy… What is the secret to making great photos?”   Well, I cannot speak for other photographers, since each of us has a different technique, but here’s mine:  

Get a grip, people…

There is an amazing amount of  hand-wringing going on these days about the 4 billion cell-phone cameras out there in the world. “It’s going to ruin photography.” “We’re doomed.” “Nobody appreciates quality anymore.” High-end camera sales are going in the tank!” Get a grip people. 170 years ago, only a few people had cameras; then […]

The July 2013 solo show

The show opened Friday, July 19, and was a success, with several hundred people showing up.  Here are a few snapshots my wife took. (Thanks to my readers for your interest !  🙂               I’m pleased to say that the red image on the left, above, is now in […]