resolution, part 2

OK… continuing (this too will have to be modest, as I’ve just discovered an issue with one of my websites that needs fixing today.) If you were really paying attention last night, you might see something wrong with the definition I signed off with: Meanwhile, here’s a definition: A pixel is a picture element; the […]

resolution, part 1

(This is a four-part series on picture/image, screen, and printer resolution and how they all work together, with the hopes that it will clear up Dots Per Inch (dpi), Pixels Per inch (ppi) and why things look different on your computer monitor than they do when you print them out. Taken from a list I’m […]

Are You a Power-User of Apple’s Mail Program?

If so, then you should take a look here: One of the most frustrating issues for those of us who “live in Mail” is that its “rules” (I prefer “filters”) are so minimal. In fact, most email software these days suffers from that condition. Filters can be immensely helpful, but Mail doesn’t even have […]

Renewing MobileMe

Apple will charge you $99 to renew your MobileMe account. However, you can shop around (Amazon, JR, etc) and find it for as little as $57. It looks like a new signup (“MobileMe Individual” or “MobileMe Family”) but what’s really in the box is a slip of paper with a number on it. All you […]

Why it’s called Micro$oft

Today I updated VMware Fusion to 3.0 on my MacBook. My installation of Vista Ultimate didn’t like that, and promptly announced that this copy wasn’t “genuine” and likely pirated. Now, I’ve owned, and paid for: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows ME Windows XP Windows XP Professional Windows 2000 Professional Windows Vista Ultimate. A small fortune […]

How to make a password

Issues with forgotten passwords come up all the time. First: know that generally speaking, if you forgot your password, you’re screwed. Second: do not choose a word for a password. For example: Ford, Billy, password, Iloveyou and secret are all passwords that can be cracked (guessed) in about 1/1000 of a second. Billy1234 is also […]

ElGato’s Turbo264 HD is a winner

OK… little mini-report here. (I usually write these if I’m either really happy, or really not… sharing to help or warn.) In this case I’m really happy. I’ve had for a while an EyeTV 250 which has worked just fine. Then I got the EyeTV iPhone application. What this does is transfer whatever EyeTV on […]

Making an incomplete SuperDuper! clone on Purpose

Here’s a tip for those of you who use SuperDuper! (which most of you know: I swear by.) WARNING: what follows are instructions on how to make your SD cloned drive NOT a true clone! Use only if you understand what I’m talking about!!! If you have files that frequently change, and you don’t really […]

How to update the system

Generally speaking, the update process I use and recommend is this: a) visit and get the correct “combo” updater. There will be several, so pay attention: it’s a big download, so you want the correct one the first time. Set it aside. b) run disk utility or DiskWarrior or Drive Genius or whatever your […]

disk utilities

… you know: DiskWarrior, Drive Genius 2; TechTool Pro and so on. Over the past few days, I’ve had the “joy” of cloning and updating about a dozen drives several times each. Here’s what I’ve learned. 1) don’t have spaces in your volume names. “My_Volume” is OK; “My Volume” is not. 2) if your just-cloned […]