Longer banners on the 2200 and changing ink… (2005)

Epson 2200 banners longer than 44 inches can be made by using GIMP print. (Originally posted 2/5/05.) In fact, longer than the roll paper you can buy (which is 32 feet.) Here’s a couple of things to be aware of: 1) there are no profiles for GIMP. (I’ve made my own using PrintFIX, but the […]

On copyright (US)

on copyright. First: INAL (I’m not a laywer.)I have, however,  read and closely followed copyright for a decade or more. Here are some quick, general points: “Prior to what year are works in the public domain?”1923. (It’s 2008 now, and with extensions, copyright attaches for 95 years.) In general, for works created on or after […]

roll paper banners on the Epson 2200 (2004)

How to avoid tearing your hair out when trying to print roll-paper banners on the Epson 2200 using the Epson drivers. (originally posted 10/28/04) I lost a huge chunk of hair, and about 24 hours trying to figure these hints out: If you’re not using the GIMP print driver, (see other blog entry) then here’s […]

Fear of things digital… it’s just ignorance. (2005)

The “Shutterbug” editor, and apparently a number of readers, don’t understand the nature of digital. (originally posted 2/13/05.) I’m in a unique position vis-a-vis digital photography, as I’ve been a photographer (with darkroom experience) for 46+ years, and have some nearly 30 years of detailed computer experience (I was a programmer) as well. I jumped […]

Organizing your Dock

Got a zillion itty-bitty icons in your dock? Try grouping them. Here’s what I do. In my user folder, I have created a folder called “dock items” (the name is not important; whatever works for you is fine.) Then, in there, I have folders named for my categories of items, such as “browsers” and “hardware” […]

Hello world!

I’m renewing my blogs here, and combining MacTips and Photo Tips into one.  Coming soon!